I have to apologize for not tending to the blog in the way I probably should; I just don't find myself all that interesting. I find that I participate in things of interest, but they're usually only of interest to myself, therefore not worth embellishing and expanding upon here. Besides, when I write, I can't help but find myself caught up in my own petty narcissism. (i.e. I should probably just starve myself until I'm thirty pounds lighter, Follow me as a I ramble about my plants/house/decorating/therapy sessions, etc. . . )
So, I leave you with some shallow findings on youtube of my favorite heartrending moments from my favorite period films. Like I said, I do interesting things that are only of interest to me. Whether or not you enjoy it, well . . . I'm not worried about that. I'm a dork, and I do dork things, like cry myself senseless over silly moments like these. Well, maybe not CRY, per se, but you know. . . squeal with dork-like glee.
Jami's Top Five All Time Moments in Period Films that Either Had Her Weeping, Squealing, or Doing an Odd Combination of Both at the Same Time
1. Darcy's doomed proposal from Pride and Prejudice, 1995.
This had FAIL written all over it from the time Darcy entered the room. I just love it.
"In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." Why don't we speak like that anymore? Seriously. The world would be a better place if we walked about in Jane-speak. I'm an old soul and hate that I was born in the wrong century. I love me some Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle.
2. "The Look" from Pride and Prejudice, 1995. 'Causing the ladies to melt like buttah for the past fifteen years... a moment of mutual understanding. This is what I mean when I say I have a respect for actors and actresses who can convey the whole message of a story in their facial expressions. And Lizzy's dress.
3. The first time Yuri Zhivago sees Lara in BBC's, Dr. Zhivago, 2002. I would definitely recommend reading the book, but this is an amazing depiction of the love story. Some purists probably don't like it, but I vastly prefer it over the movie from the 1960s. Keira Knightley is gorgeous in this at only SIXTEEN years old, and Hans Matheson has those killer storytelling eyes, too. Love this scene. Love the reflection of Zhivago's face in Lara's.
4. Another doomed proposal. I'm a sucker for rejection scenes. I think rejection brings out some great, incredibly raw emotions in us. Probably not HEALTHY emotions, but I digress. Margaret rejecting Mr. Thornton in North and South, BBC. :)
5) Elinor and Edward from 1995's Sense and Sensibility. This gets me every time because Elinor has thought Edward to be off limits and promised to another. I always cry when Emma Thompson cries, perhaps not to the same extent, but. . . awww. Young Hugh Grant! I usually can't stand him, but I like him in this.
Okay. I'm going to slowly emerge from my dork coma and do something mildly productive today. Father's Day dinner this evening. Sure to be an exciting, happy time. :)