In just 10 weeks, if all goes as planned, I'll be finding out the sex of our baby! And in just a week and four days, I'll be having my first prenatal visit. I haven't had an ultrasound yet. I'm thinking of calling and booking one for next Friday just so we can make sure the pregnancy's viable. I don't know if I'm considered high risk or not, but hopefully someone out there will humor me. I'm really anxious to see a little peanut with a flash of a heartbeat.
I don't want to be "that woman" that's calling the obgyn all the time, but when you've had a miscarriage, you've kind of been through the wringer already and need some reassurance. This baby is so very much wanted. I've been pleading with God to keep things healthy. Pleading. You wouldn't think a miscarriage could happen twice in a row, especially when you're only twenty-five. But still...
This morning I woke up in tears, convinced that it wasn't going to happen for us. I don't know why! I just want to let go of the fears and have a baby! How naive was I to believe that things ended at the positive pregnancy test. Instead of agonizing over what symptoms I have, I agonize about the ones I don't have. . .
I just really need some peace right now.
I think going in for an ultrasound next week is exactly what I need. Although I've not been having the same symptoms as before that resulted in our miscarriage, the slightest things are of alarm.
Please pray for Baby Dragan! We want him/her so much!!
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ReplyDeleteI hope nothing I said above comes across as insensitive, not my intention at all. The blog I am posting was posted today and I'm not sure if it will be of comfort at all, but I thought I'd share.