I only want to tune in to say that I am over 200 lbs ( by one lb) and in a miserable whale-like state of mind. I knew I would change for pregnancy, and it doesn't bother me so much now that there's absolutely nothing I can do about it except stabilize or get bigger. I can rest in the knowledge that I am not stuffing my face at every free moment or being needlessly lazy, but this body is not the one I envisioned when I saw the lines on the pee stick. This was my trial run. I will know what to do next time. I won't make the mistake of being thirty lbs overweight and gain more weight on top of that. I will be healthier and wiser. And I will be forced to be physical, running after another child...I cannot wait to reacquaint myself with Weight Watchers and be healthy for my precious little family!
That being said, I am feeling pretty good, all things considered.( I simply have to remind myself not to look at candid pictures and fall into the slump of "You are so repulsive. Why do you leave your house?")
EDIT: I had to stop writing when my lunch break ended, so I am back for more at midnight.
As far as symptoms go, I'm feeling Natalie move now more than ever and can actually identify parts of her body as she turns within me. It's the weirdest thing ever, but I love it. The only downside is that she's in position, head down, ready to go-- that means her little feet get tangled up in my ribs. That's a whole lot of fun.
I'm getting so tired in these last weeks, but I ocasionally have the most random bursts of energy and feel like I can accomplish anything. I like to take advantage of those with them being few and far between, but I have managed to conquer some chores this week that I have been putting off for months. I guess I'm entering into my nesting phase?
For instance, after my doctor's visit on Wednesday, I went to Babies-R-Us to get some price adjustments and make a few returns, came home and rested for about twenty minutes, cleaned my kitchen, did a couple loads of laundry, swept the downstairs, vacuumed the upstairs, AND vacuumed out my nasty car. (That was a long time coming...) I know that doesn't sound like much in the grand scheme of things, but when you're slinging around a belly and out of breath most of the time, it's a big deal. After all of that was said and done, I even tweaked the nursery a bit and started washing some more of her things and putting them away. I'm still waiting on a few finishing details to her room, but I'm mostly done! At that point, I'll probably post pictures.
Her nursery has been a labor of love. It's a teeny room, and it's been an effort to squeeze things in there. The other night I lost a battle to the Diaper Genie, so I haven't been too thrilled about going back in there to see the carnage on the floor in the corner of the room. Lies. You cannot put that thing together in one simple step. It requires a degree in physics. I'm not lying. I'm thinking about throwing it back into the box and hauling it back up to Target to exchange for a simpler model. I spent an hour on it, and I still have no idea how that thing works!
And just for me to look back on, I had my cervix checked ( look away, guys) on Wednesday because I was feeling some pressure. Being a first timer, it's hard to know what things are supposed to feel like. My doctor was able to feel (in her words) "baby's bouncy little head" through the cervix and told me I was about 50% effaced. In case you were wondering, you have to be effaced or thinned out down there before your cervix dilates for a baby to pass through. I'm glad to know I'm making some progress and that the pressure hasn't been just my imagination, but I was hoping that I would have some crazy experience of "Wow! You're half way there! See you in a week!" Not so much. Looks like I will be waiting this one out and that the family scheduled to come down from New Jersey might miss the baby entirely.
I asked about inducement again, but it's still too soon in the game to be making any decisions. My doctor wants to see how my body does on its own before leaping into a voluntary induction since the labors are typically longer and more complicated. While I want everybody to be able to see her, I would rather do Natalie more good and let her bake longer. I want her lungs to be developed and for her suckling reflex to be down pat so I can nurse.
Anyhow, that's just a little update...
One day I'll make a post about my two awesome baby showers. ( I can't believe they've already happened. This is so real.)
Have a good night!