Anyhow, I'm thinking that I'm in slow, latent labor and will probably have a little bit to show for it at my next doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Or... it could just be false labor or regular discomfort. Anyhow, it's not fun!
I have been drinking water like crazy to stay hydrated so that they will go away if they're not the real thing, but so far-- I'm staying steady at 20-30 minute intervals.
My doctor told me not to call or come to the hospital unless my contractions were 5 minutes apart and growing in intensity, so I'm in a pickle. I'm hurting enough to try and drive to the hospital, but I don't want to waste a trip to L&D only to be told to go home and man up.
Besides, I'm not even 100% what a real contraction would feel like. Not to be all gross and TMI-like with you guys, but I feel the way I felt when I was miscarrying, this low awful intense pressure that hurt my back and hips. ANYHOW, I guess I'll update if I have any more progress to share. The good thing is that I will be full-term on Wednesday... :)
Ok - so describing a contraction is hard, but I know you worry a lot so I want to try to describe mine the best I can remember so I can maybe help you.
ReplyDeleteThey do not feel like an intense period cramp like I remember so many people telling me. Your entire midsection feels kind of like it is tensing up as hard as it possibly can and then releasing. They aren't comfortable in the least bit, but when I was in labor with Lilly, I stayed in the tub almost the entire time. So I would try to maybe take a bath or a warm shower to try to ease the pain a bit (I suggest bath just because you can lay there and writh around in pain and not have to stand up... but that is just me).
You are going to do excellent and I am SOOO excited for you guys!
Heather, were you induced, or did Lilly come early on her own? I hope they let me near the shower or tub, but I doubt it's possible with an induction and having to be monitored...
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, I have been taking extreme advantage of our garden tub the past few weeks. I guess I am having contractions because I'm really thinning out and dilating down there. Haha. I don't know...
They come and go with no real regularity, so I am just hoping she doesn't come before the induction date. I would like to know what's going on instead of having some panic attack wondering if it's happening or if it's not.
It's like I'm no longer worried about having a baby anymore and my mind has drifted to other things, like...housewares. So weird.
Hope you are feeling good!! You're almost out of the first trimester now, right?