A. Age: 26 on Wednesday-- WHAT? Come again? This year went by way too quickly. 26 sounds so close to thirty. I don't even know what I want to be when I grow up!
B. Bed size: Queen. That translates to "way too small". Hopefully, by the next time I'm pregnant, we will have graduated up to a king. Brandon likes to drape himself across the entire bed, and I'm not much better!
C. Chore you dislike: Probably cleaning the shower or bathtub. Until I found the magic eraser, I kind of depended on our shower curtain to hide all of that junk. Don't get me wrong. I "disinfected" things, but I was never one to go all out ninja on the soap scum!
D. Dogs: Brutus, a collie/St. Bernard mix. aka real pain in the tookus!
E. Essential start to your day: The wailing of a newborn? Does that count?
F. Favorite color: Pink, peach, green?
G. Gold or silver: Silver and white gold. Yellow gold freaks me out.
H. Height: 5′ 6"
I. Instruments you play(ed): I had voice lessons for six years and wanted to be a singer, but I cannot read music that well, so an actual instrument is out of the question for me.
J. Job title: Mommy, wife, visual merchandiser/manager.
K. Kids: Natalie Grace, two weeks today!
L. Live for ______: CHOCOLATE. Just kidding. God ( I guess that's the default that people put for #1, though I SUCK at making Him number one.), Brandon, Natalie
M. Most embarrassing moment: I've had several. Thankfully, I'm not too embarrassed by things anymore. I think the one that takes the cake is the time I had a crush on a high school senior when I was a h.s. freshman and made him this huge "I'll Miss You!" poster and then hand delivered it to him on his graduation day and gave him a big kiss on the cheek and pretty much terrorized him while my mom was snapping pictures in the background. I wasn't embarrassed until I saw the pictures later and saw the look of extreme terror on his face, and then I just felt pathetic. It was mostly shame, not embarrassment. We're facebook friends now, but he's probably still terrified by that memory! LOL!
N. Nicknames: Bab (what Brandon calls me--don't ask)
O. Overnight hospital stays: Only time I've been overnight was when I was a preemie newborn and then when I had Natalie.
P. Pet peeves: When Brandon sits next to me and eats something like cereal or something he has to gulp. So loud. I usually say "shhh" and act like a real jerk until he goes in the next room. Oh, also...when someone's trying to have a conversation with you while you're on the phone. My mom is notorious for starting conversations as soon as I get on the phone or start talking to someone. Like, two weeks or so ago, I ran into an old friend from high school in a store, and my mom kept coming up to me and trying to talk. She didn't get the hint from the "just one second" finger.
Q. Quote from a movie: I don't really have a favorite quote...
S. Siblings: sister, Heather, thirty.
T. Time you wake up: Whatever time the infant screams.
U. University attended: I went to two different schools and am doing nothing with what I studied! Then again, I couldn't even make up my mind while I was there. I admire people who have goals and stick with them. Mine change all the time, and I am never certain what I want to be when I grow up.
V. Vegetables: Cucumbers and tomatoes are great.
W. What makes you run late: My disorganization. I've got to get better with a baby. I'll probably have to start waking up at 4am to be at work at 8am when I'm done with my maternity leave.
X. X-rays you’ve had: 3 or 4? All of this from a girl who's never broken a bone...
Y. Yummy food you make: I make some good spinach artichoke dip. Other than that, I'm not too much of a queen in the kitchen.
Z. Zoo animal favorites: I like the elephants.
I'm going to steal this survey from you! :) I hope you, Brandon, and Natalie are great! She is such a beautiful baby!
ReplyDeleteI totally stole this from you.. and a few others. It seems to be very popular... I'm a sheep!