Hey sweetie! You turned two months old on May the 18th. I don't remember what we did that day, but it was probably raining! Due to some problems with insurance, we haven't had your two month appointment or shots yet (you're probably happy about that), so I don't really know how much you weigh or how long you are. I would assume you are around 12 lbs and probably 24 inches. You are wearing size 0-3 months in onesies and shirts, but you have to wear size 3-6 months in sleepers and pants because you are SO LONG! You're a size one in diapers, but we have a box of size one-two, and you'll be in those pretty soon!
You are almost sleeping through the night now, though you sometimes revert back to your newborn self and wake up every 2-3 hours. I try not to be grumpy, but sometimes I'm comatose!
For the past month, you've been taking a really active interest in your surroundings. You smile and laugh, and you look for your mommy and daddy when you hear our voices in the room. You smile more and more, and I can usually get a giggle out of you when changing your diapers, which, by the way, are STINKY.
You are a growing girl, and you eat about 4-5 oz of formula every 3-4 hours. If you're in a deep sleep, you can sometimes go for 7-8 hours without a bottle. That's mostly during the night. You only go for about five hours when you're cat-napping. Which, speaking of, you don't really cat nap too much during the day. You're too busy checking out the cats, talking to your bouncy chair, or wanting your mommy!
We changed you to Similac Sensitive formula on May 11th because you were getting a lot of belly pains with the advanced kind. You took to this very well and have been spitting up less and less! No more mylicon drops and sleepless nights (well, for the most part).
You don't really enjoy bath time. You get about three real baths a week and two wipe-downs every day, sometimes more if you're especially spit-uppy. We have to get all of the formula from out of your chins. :)
You are such a joy, and I hate that I have to go back to work in a less than three weeks. I have had such a blast with my Natalie! You are precious, but I know you are going to have fun and be so loved by your grandparents throughout the work day. The work day will hopefully go faster because I'm working towards the goal of coming home to you!
I love you, Natalie!
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