Thursday, December 22, 2011
Sprained ankle madness!
Yesterday shaped up to be a pretty hectic day for all of us. I was not really prepared for what happened, but I had been prepared for all the things I had to get accomplished! You see, Brandon told me on Monday night that we would be having overnight guests on Wednesday night. I was in company mode. We had a family thing on Tuesday that carved about five hours out of my day, so when we got home-- I was a cleaning machine. Cleaning sheets, towels, vacuuming, getting the kitchen decluttered, etc. I had to get all of it done before Wednesday because Wednesday was full for me as well. I had Natalie's nine month well visit at 9:30. We got there five minutes late. :/ I blame it on the construction on Mt. Juliet Rd. I hate construction. That's just a sidenote.
If you're curious about her well visit, she weighed 22.14 lbs and was 29.5 inches long, off the charts. She got her little toe pricked for iron levels and didn't make a peep. Her iron's low, so we had to call in an iron supplement. I'm stumped on that because there's iron in her cereal and in her formula. Nothing to be too concerned about, but I hate that I have to supplement.
Anyhow, on the way back to Lebanon from the doctor, we stopped over at my mom's house because it was her birthday! I had brought her gift and just wanted her to see Natalie really quick before I took her over to her other grandmother's house for the day since I was going to be working. My mom decided to go get us lunch really quick, so I stayed a bit longer. We had our lunch and then I loaded Natalie back into the car. I realized that I had left my drink inside the house and asked if my mom would run back in and get it for me. I followed behind her so she wouldn't have to meet me all the way back at her driveway. And I guess when I was walking, I stubbed my toe. I don't remember much from there, but I fell down and bent my ankle sideways. I heard a loud pop/crack and immediately started screaming to get my mom's attention. I thought I had broken my foot because 1) the pop 2) the immediate sick, hot feeling that came over me. I couldn't move. I couldn't feel my foot at first, and then this searing pain shot up my leg. It was something like I've never felt before, and then I was just writhing on the ground screaming for my mama. It took me a while to get up. I kind of had to army crawl to the steps and then attempt to lift myself up. I couldn't put any weight on my foot, and seconds into the ordeal my foot had ballooned up to double its size, with a big lump appearing on the side of the foot I had fallen on. I could have sworn it was a bone poking through the skin, and I freaked the freak out. My mom helped me inside and I banged my foot against the door which didn't help things. I collapsed in a chair and had her call my boss as I tried to collect myself and not hyperventilate. I kind of turn into a weanie when I get hurt. I usually have a high pain tolerance, but you should have seen my foot. It was bad! In fact, I'll post a picture in just a few minutes. Gross. Painful.
My mom and grandma took me to the emergency room, and then my mom dropped Natalie off at Don and Lydia's. I was admitted pretty quickly because of a family friend who worked there. She told them I was her niece. I was wheelchaired into a room, helped on to a table and x-rayed. The techs thought it was definitely broken, but it turned out to be a popped blood vessel ( the crack/pop I heard), pulled tendons (also the sound), and a bad sprain. At the time, my pain level was 7 on a scale of 1-10. I had no idea it would get to 10 before the night was over.
I was sent from the hospital with a prescription for two painkillers, one of them that would help me to sleep. I thought that I still had one of them left over from when I was recovering from the c-section, so I wasn't in a hurry to fill them since I just wanted to go home and prop up my foot. They also gave me crutches and an air boot splint.
By 5pm, I was searching like a mad woman for the pain pill and realized that I didn't have the high dosage of ibuprofen left. It was the stool softener!! Let's face it, that would not have helped matters! So... I called my mom to come back and get me from home so we could fill the prescription. At that point, I felt like I was being dismembered. My foot was so swollen, and the ice was only making it hurt more. I think I cried from the moment I hung up with her until she got there. It was worse than the labor pains I felt or the pain of an epidural. It was so bad. And I was still trying to get the hang of crutches and our stairs.
So....needless to say, we got Natalie, got the prescription filled, and came here to my mom's house. I got out of today's shift at work thanks to my boss's sweet wife and now I'm recovering. My foot is still throbbing and not sustaining any weight, but the painkillers are good once they get into my system.
And now... I leave you with this.
It's a bit more bruised and nasty looking today. This was taken yesterday right after it was elevated and after x-ray. Speaking of x-ray, they asked if I was pregnant about 50 times before performing x-ray. Made me nervous.
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You aren't supposed to have X-rays I'd pregnant, so they ask women of childbearing age a billion times to make sure.
ReplyDeleteSorry about your ankle! I've done that at least twice, not fun!
Ouch! I'm glad to know that there are worse pains that labor, because I am scared to death of childbirth! And I'm really really glad you were able to get off work. When I was working there, I always had to fight for sick days/ car emergency days. Granted I never had anything of this level, but I still don't think I would have gotten off easily. I know this must be miserable, but at least you can stay at home with your family before Christmas!
ReplyDeleteGlad you are ok! Thank you for still trying to make it to work. I know alot of folks who think they are entitled to time off for trivial stuff such as the sniffles. They don't care how missing work can affect others or how it looks to their peers. With an injury like this I know you need be off..I hope you don't feel like you had to twist my arm like some people make it seem. And I think the fact that Jonelle worked for you yesterday is proof enough that I do care about my employees. Thank you for setting the example and trying to make it in. Hope the swelling subsides and I'll see you soon.