TOTAL WEIGHT GAINED: I don't know for certain, but at the time of my first prenatal visit, I had gained nine lbs since my miscarriage in April. :/ I don't really feel like I've gained any weight other than typical pregnancy bloat and retention. I've also been pretty sick for the past few weeks, so I probably have lost a couple pounds due to all that fun.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: I buckled and bought a few pair of pregnancy pants on clearance at Old Navy, but I haven't actually seriously worn them out. I'm fitting into my regular pants with the help of a belly band, but I can still fit my belly under my shirts, dresses, and skirts.
SLEEP: Tossing, turning, getting up in the wee hours of the morning to pee, wondering when I'm going to spew.
BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Making it to 12 weeks, for sure!! And knowing that I'll get to see my little guy or gal on the ultrasound on Wednesday. Free dinner at Bosco's tonight with Dr. Josh Axe was another plus, though!
FOOD CRAVINGS: It varies, but I've had a serious soft spot for chicken nuggets for the past few weeks. They're cheap... which means I don't feel like I've wasted a lot when I have to throw them up. LOL! And Pei Wei. . .! And Cici's Pizza Buffet... I learned tonight that my eating habits aren't the best, nor is what I'm eating "real food". But it doesn't take a rocket science degree to get that!!
FOOD AVERSIONS: Probably anything and everything considered "healthy". I hate it, but it's the truth. Oh, and tacos, pasta, Which 'Wich, diet coke. . . there are many more that I don't realize until there's a heaping plate of said aversion in front of me.
SYMPTOMS: Parched and dehydrated, throwing up, nausea without throwing up, acne, headaches, fatigue, motion sickness when I'm a passenger. I think pregnancy has amped my need to be the driver in most scenarios. Brandon wreaks havoc on my pregnant sensibilities when he drives!! Ocasionally, I'll have little twinges around my belly button that might be stretching. . .
Vivid dreams, irrational fears, compulsive googling (though partially abated). Then again, the last three are probably regular occurances that have absolutely nothing to do with carrying a child.
WHAT I MISS: Not throwing up bile in the morning upon waking.
WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO: A healthy ultrasound and prenatal visit, finding out the gender, decorating the nursery, holding and loving on our baby!
WEEKLY WISDOM: Do not google SIDS or birth defects or miscarriage statistics.
MILESTONES: Making it to the 12 week. Um, yay!
I realize this isn't much of the belly because of the angle of my computer, but here's belly at week 12!! WOO!! And yeah, I'm trying to make it look like more than what it is. Believe me, I got this much belly when not preggo, but I LOVE my pregnant body. It's coooooool.

Aww, I can barely see your belly, better picture for next week, please!