It would probably be better for me to wait until Monday to do a 13 week post, but according to my doctor, I'm actually 13 weeks today and up earlier than usual, so I'll do the post now. :)
TOTAL WEIGHT GAINED: Holding steady at the weight I've gained since April, but I haven't gained any weight due to pregnancy--YET.
MATERNITY CLOTHES: In regular clothes still, but I'm probably going to need to go up a size soon.
SLEEP: It's getting better, but I woke up this morning coughing and hurting in my lower abdomen (round ligament pain from where baby's making room!).
BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Hearing a strong heartbeat at 158 bpm and Brandon being there for it! :) He looked blown away. It was cool. And then we forgot to whip out the camera phones because I started acting like a fool and crying. . . :)
FOOD CRAVINGS: Well, it was anything that stayed down. I am playing it by ear. Brandon went to the grocery store last night and in my rummaging through the fridge, I have found nothing that appeals to me yet. Stressed out.
FOOD AVERSIONS: The same as last week. Darn it.
SYMPTOMS: Tired, random bursts of energy, nauseous with and without throwing up, thirsty, headaches, round ligament pain. Same irrational fears and vivid dreams. Being able to scope out any and all pregnant women who cross my path and KNOWING how far along they are... :)
WHAT I MISS: Feeling "normal". Now it's normal to have a day-long headache.
WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO: Getting big(ger). Having a healthy appointment on October 13th, the gender scan in November, being pregnant in the holidays, nursery, new house, giving BIRTH, meeting and loving on our baby. :)
WEEKLY WISDOM: Whilst preggo, do not bend over and cough. You will vomit in your hand. 'Nuff said.
MILESTONES: Making it to week 13, woohoo!
13 week belly at 5:30 am. . .
Don't you dare judge my impossibly large arm. :D

I think it's a little bigger than week 8 below. . . Hmmm...

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