Ain't no thang, just three of my favorite actors ever in the same room! Kim Cattrall (Samantha from Sex and the City), Colin Firth (Mr. Darcy, among other impressive roles) , and Jennifer Ehle (Elizabeth Bennett).
I follow way too many obscure celebrity blogs. Anyhow, there they are. Happy, happy! Wish I could have been there to meet them! Some sort of luncheon in NYC...Colin Firth looks like a blade of grass next to these ladies ( who are very beautiful and slender) , so he'd probably evaporate if I hugged him. ( Seriously, Colin, if you ever become one of those celebs who google your name, I'd love to meet you and subsequently hug you and ask you all sorts of questions about your career and listen to your awesome accent. Hopefully the baby weight would be dropped, so I promise I wouldn't make you evaporate.) Celebrity males-- coerced into being very skinny. Just an observation.
Why the excess of blog entries, you ask? Well, my foot is a lovely shade of blurple right now and has to stay elevated for the rest of the morning. This translates to "I'm bored out of my mind and Brandon is snoring beside me!"
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