You know who I was infatuated with? (And this is mildly embarrassing, but not AS embarrassing as N'Synce or Backstreet Boys or any of those other boy bands. Okay, so who am I kidding? This is probably worse, but I think this individual has more talent in his pinky finger than the entirety of both boy bands combined. I like to think my crush was of the intellectual variety, but-- who am I kidding? I totally had a thing for his sideburns.)

His name is Philip Quast, and he's an Australian musical theatre icon. How do I know this, you ask? Well, he played Javert in my overplayed VHS recording of the Les Miserables 10th Anniversary concert circa 1995. I am such a dork. I was reminded of this infatuation when I was perusing through our dvds. Sadly (okay, not sadly. I love musical theatre, and I am not ashamed), I coerced Brandon into buying the 10th Anniversary concert on dvd when I spied it at Costco. Now there's a 25th anniversary concert. And there will probably be a 50th, 75th, and so on. Great things like that just never die. ::end dork ramble::
Anyhow, I know that this guy was probably in his early 40s when I got all googly-eyed over him. Haha.
He's still a handsome man, but wow. . . perspective changes!
Anyhow, needless to say. . . I have moved on to another tall, reasonably sideburned man with pretty eyes.
Who was your embarrassing crush? The more unlikely, the better. I love to laugh. I think mine's stinking hilarious because no one outside of musical theatre dorkdom knows of this guy.
Oh, little Jami. You were and still are so very random.
And this guy is, like, sixty.
Maybe he'll google his name one day and see this and smile.
I still love you, Philip!
You nerd! haha.
ReplyDeleteI was head over heels for Devon Sawa when I was 12 and I saw Casper like 9 times in theaters (my dad could get me in for free, his friend was the manager - so that isn't as embarrassing as it could be. ISN'T, I SAY!)
Later, when BSB and NSYNC were big, I was more of the BSB girl, and I always liked Brian. He was singing TO ME. That's just a fact. Whenever people would force me to choose an NSYNC member I thought was cute, I would always choose Lance. Justin was the popular choice, and I didn't want those other 7th girls getting all catty over him, so I figured the whole blue eyes, blonde hair thing was at least trendy, so I would still be accepted for my choice.
In 8th grade I moved on to more substantial crushes. You know, fictional characters. My cousin and I played a lot of Resident Evil (video game), and I totally had a crush on the character Leon Kennedy (google image him, LOL). NOT EVEN A REAL PERSON. Not even an actor portraying a character, or a book character that was human. Just a cartoonish mass of polygons. Now, that's embarrassing!
In college I believe an old friend and I decided that Mark Ruffalo was our crush of choice because he always played really sweet guys in his movies. And I stuck with that one for at least a year. There was another actor shortly after that, not very well known, who I just thought was HOT, but I don't even remember who it is anymore... :(
These days my crushes are still in the fictional realm, but at least they are book characters. Whatever I am reading, I tend to like whoever the main heroine likes at the time.
Well, my very first crush EVER was on Inspector Gadget (cartoon character), but I didn't want a one-way ticket to the asylum after this post. :) Haha! I think I told you that I used to put my Disney movies on mute and perform them in their entirety for my imaginary audience of Penny and Inspector Gadget. So messed up. :D
ReplyDeleteHahaha, and you know my crushes have dwelt in the fictional realm. Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley!!!!!!!!!! I was a couple of years older when that happened, though. And, of course, the only reason I liked him was because he was surly and had a cravat like this Javert guy. They were interchangeable for a while because I didn't know the story of Pride and Prejudice until I was in high school, and then Darcy succeeded Javert. :D Yeah, I am a nerd. My feet were puffy, and I was bored!
I never saw that version, but he can be the Master of My House anytime...
ReplyDelete(YES YES I know it's not the same character, but I couldn't resist.)
This all makes me feel much better about the fact that my almost 14 year old is OB-SESSED with Alan Rickman. And he's way older than 40. I guess there's just something about a bad character.....
I could never narrow down all my crushes, but I do remember being smitten with Boy George. And you thought Inspector Gadget made you looney ;)
LMBO. ;)Master of the house. Love it.
ReplyDeleteAh, I could understand Alan Rickman in the right role, Colonel Brandon from Sense and Sensibility, for instance. . .
I'm out of the loop on some of the other roles he's played, but I can understand the fascination. :)
Hello darling!
ReplyDeleteAnd no, you are not crazy for loving PHILIP QUAST.
I recently watched Les Miserables 10th anniversary with my father and brother and I was reminded of my crush on him.
I was 12 years old and I wanted to marry the guy. All the other girls wanted Leonardo Dicaprio but no, Mine was Philip Quast.
Philip is the reason I didn't date in middle school. Because, none of the other boys could even come CLOSE to being as handsome as Philip.
14 years later, I still admire the man and his voice.
He's the one I'll accredit to my acting if i ever get famous enough for an interview.
Anyway, thanks for posting a nice photo of him. I want that photo for my Itunes, as I made a special folder of music of him with his Javert parts and I need an album "image" this works perfectly.