Well, first things first, we're going to be meeting our baby girl on March 18th. That's right. I'm getting induced. I am fine with my decision and don't want to be talked out of it. I know there are some people out there that are hardcore against inductions, but since Natalie is full term and I'm already making quite a bit of progress in the dilation and effacement realm, I was really relieved when my doctor gave me the go ahead to think about it. Besides, Brandon has some family traveling down from NJ that had planned their trip a couple of days before she was due, and I hated the thought of his elderly grandmother never being able to see her first great-grandchild. She's the kind that's really reluctant to vacate her house due to major anxiety, so we had to take this opportunity while we had it. (She still doesn't know she's coming down. It's going to be a surprise. . . kind of like being taken hostage by your own family, thrown into a car, and made to sit through a fourteen hour car ride. Haha. Sad, but very true!)
I had my very first hormonal MELTDOWN yesterday. It went to the tune of Brandon rearranging our living room furniture. I wasn't able to take it. I was going to have a panic attack if that chair was in that corner for ONE MORE SECOND. It was kind of embarrassing, and it seriously came out of nowhere. And I'm hoping it's just my anxiety seeping out and not postpartum depression creeping in. . . I felt like I had lost control and like I didn't know myself at all. Weird. Hopefully fleeting! Though, I have heard that you shouldn't change anything while a mom is in her nesting mode... Brandon doesn't think that "nesting" is a real thing, so he rolled his eyes and didn't like that excuse too much. The word impunity was used quite a bit. Sorry?
I am making the mistake of scrolling through all of my favorite home decor blogs in this week before I meet my child. I am stumbling upon ideas that I will have to file away until time and money magically appear. All I can think about is that our home is not exactly the way I would want it for when Natalie does make her arrival. I know that won't mean a thing when I finally get to hold our beautiful little girl in my arms, but...I just want it to be perfect.
Like, in my ideal world, our master bathroom would be painted, spotless, and with matchy-matchy towels instead of the ones we've had for five years that are sporting bleach spots and mascara blotches...I'd have kitchy little knickknacks instead of an endless supply of lotions spilling across our counter. One can dream. And that dream doesn't hold a candle to the endless to do list that should be somewhat accomplished before we bring home a baby...
1. Find a pediatrician.
2. Clean out both cars.
3. Install car seat.
4. Assemble pack-n-play.
I promise I'm not dissatisfied. I love our beautiful home. I just cannot wait to beautify it and make it more intentional and practical for the family we're going to raise there. . .
I feel crazy stalkerish by posting comments on almost all of your posts, but this is what happens :)
ReplyDeleteI was induced with Lilly and to be completely honest I thought it was the greatest thing ever. There is no worrying about when your water might break (hopefully not in public!) or timing contractions )we never did grasp that concept). We knew we were going in on a Monday morning to have her so we were able to truly enjoy and savor that weekend together and woke up Monday morning and said "Let's go have a baby!". No rushing no scrambling.
They say contractions can be stronger when you are induced - they are going to hurt like heck anyways, so so what?!
You are going to do great and if you guys need anything (seriously anything - the post office does wonders), just let us know. We are going to be trying to come up in April/May so hopefully we can catch up and Lilly and Natalie can meet :)
AWWW! YAY!!! I so wanna have them meet!! That would be amazing! You are not stalkerish at all. I follow blogs of some of the most random people, people that I probably wouldn't even really like in real life, so it's okay!
ReplyDeleteI am starting to feel like it's the greatest thing ever. I am really bad about confusing my little practice contractions for the real thing, so I need an outline. Haha. "I will feel ____ at this time.." ;)
Did you get an epidural or did you labor naturally? I pretty much want my doctor to meet me out in the parking lot with one because I know I am not one for the pain, though I am secretly wanting to be really hardcore and deny it until the last possible minute.
I'm pretty sure I'll get the reputation as the insane screamer... and I'm okay with that as long as Natalie's healthy. ;) I think we are good so far! We really don't know what to expect, so I am sure there will be some major and minor panic attacks in the weeks to come...
Rack your brain. What do you wish you had known BEFORE you brought Lilly home? (She was an easy baby, though, wasn't she?)
I labored mostly natural. Meaning I didn't have an epidural, but towards the end of active labor (before pushing) I had two doses of Fentanyl given through a port in my hand. It didn't really take the pain away, but it allowed me to almost sleep through the contractions for about 45 minutes which allowed me to rest up for the pushing.
ReplyDeleteAnd scream all you want, it's not fun. But when you feel one of those panic attacks coming on, remember this: People have multiple babies. Is it painful - yes. But you seriously get amnesia about all the painful parts (Which is why for me it is really hard to describe a contraction because I honestly can't remember) and you just remember the really awesome parts.
What do I wish I had known before I brought Lilly home? A couple of things really.
1. The lactation consultants don't know everything. I left the hospital in tears because I was told that if I gave my baby formula I would be harming her. Lilly is perfectly fine and I wish I would have told that woman to shove it.
2. There is this part of labor that no one tells you about. I read all the books. I knew all about the nasty gross things that happen while you are in labor and while you are pushing. NO ONE told me about the lovely thing that my nurse called "The transition puke". Now, I don't know if this was because I didn't have any drugs or not, but right towards the end of active labor (right before your body is ready to start pushing), a lot of women throw up. I didn't know that and decided that morning when I was feeling awesome (and hungry) that I would eat 2 bagel sandwiches from a local bagel shop. Needless to say, I've not been able to eat there in 2 years because of that little event that no one told me about.
Ok, this is getting long winded (I could honestly talk about this stuff forever for some reason), but if you EVER have any questions or if it is like 3 in the morning and you are panicking about something - please do not hesitate to call me. These days I am usually awake (if not up and doing stuff) at like 3 or 4 in the morning. I know you worry a lot, but if there is anything I can do to help calm those fears - I will :)