Tonight my mom came over and helped me with the finishing touches to Natalie's room. I'm still not wanting to take pictures yet because I want the room to be more functional. There are so many things you don't know where to put until you're actively using them. Blah, blah, blah. . . *insert more talk about nesting*
On a completely different note, I have been so burdened by Japan. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw some of the first reports on the news. Disasters happen so often these days. Lives change in the blink of the eye, and it seriously makes you think. On the verge of having my own little family, I mourn for all those families who were and are continuing to be torn apart by this. Our God is amazing and sovereign, but when you see the devastation, your heart just hurts. I cannot imagine what the pain is like and I hope I never have to.
And on yet another note, I have come to the conclusion that pregnancy nose has officially taken over. I'm smelling stuff in this house that no one else can smell. I would swear to you that there's a bucket of rotten fruit under our kitchen sink or a dead rodent. I would promise you that our garbage disposal's jammed and something putrid is manifesting into something toxic inside our sink. All of this-- and yet, no one else smells it. Brandon looks at me like I'm a crazy person when I walk into the kitchen and wrinkle my nose. My father-in-law has unplugged and disassembled the garbage disposal to look for something he cannot smell. Nothing's inside clogging it up! All clear! My mom, who has the sniffer of all sniffers, has gotten down on her hands and knees and sharply inhaled only to find nothing and have no idea what I'm referring to. I've ran my garbage disposal through a cleaning process twice and STILL think something's dead inside of it. I have no idea. No one knows. I am probably going to be committed soon.
Anyhow, I'll try to check back and update before Miss Natalie makes her arrival. :)
Please pray for Japan. Such precious lives-- I know they're scared out of their minds, but I hope there's some measure of comfort there.
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