I blinked and you're no longer a tiny infant. Rather, you're sitting up with barely any help from me and slowly trying to become mobile. It blows my mind to watch you. It seems like each day you're learning a new skill. And that's not just my mommy pride talking. You're really that fast! You keep mommy busy! I love it.
I'm going to touch on things that I will forget if I don't go ahead and mention them here. I can't believe it's almost six months for you and I'm doing this. Blogging is clearly not my top priority anymore. You are, goose! I just want you to know these things if you ever ask when you have your own babies. I guess I thought it would be valuable. You could see how scared I was at the beginning and how crazy in love I am with you. ;)
Mealtime: You are taking your bottle every 3 hours like you have been since around 3 months old. We cannot break you from this habit, even when we give you more milk. I don't know if we stretched your tummy or what, but you demand 6 oz. every three hours except for when you're sleeping. Yesterday, (you're 6 days away from being six months old)we gave you rice cereal for the first time. You were trying to help me with the spoon. You threw little tantrums when the spoon wasn't getting to your mouth quickly enough, and somehow rice cereal was in your eyebrows by the end of mealtime! It was enough to justify a good bath! It's good to know you are not one of those babies who will refuse food. Oh, we've also been giving you frozen peaches in a fresh food feeder because you've been trying to teethe! It's the only thing that soothes you when your gums start to hurt.
Diapers: You are in a size 3. You had your first diaper rash this month. I figured out that there's a lot of acidity in peaches, and your little bottom just wasn't tolerating it. We're good now, though. It only lasted for a couple of diaper changes, and we were back to normal!
Sleeping: You sleep through the night in your crib (in our room) and take two-three small catnaps during the day.
Mobility: You are trying to crawl, but I have suspicions that you might walk before you crawl. When I play walk with you, you don't drop down to the floor like most babies I have seen. You actually don't like to sit. You like to try and stand for as long as you can.
Playtime: I had to get you a few new toys this month because you were getting bored. You outgrew your bouncy chair, so we picked you up a couple of new dollies and a peek-a-boo plane. You are still trying to learn how to make the sounds go off on the plane, but you seem intrigued when I do it. You enjoy playing peek-a-boo with me and hide your face. ;) You smile constantly. You like when Grandmommy chases you around and says she's coming to get you. You LOVE the new walker she bought you and the new bouncy station at Nanny's house. You are too adorable and so fun to observe!
LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
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