Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Life lately...

Sitting here and trying to keep Natalie entertained with Handy Manny and AWAY from the ipad. It's been harder and harder to get on technology because Natalie begs me to "hold it". (I have to confess that I give in A LOT because it's so easy to pull up episodes of Handy Manny or the Cinderella movie on youtube. And when I do that, I sometimes have the chance of actually getting something done!) I am thinking about redoing the blog and actually blogging more. I enjoy reading so many blogs, and my favorite thing about those blogs are the consistent and interesting updates. I can claim neither of those over here, but I am hoping that will soon change when my macbook is revived from the dead. Don't get me started on all the problems I've had with that contraption lately. Now it's a glitch in the keyboard. Ergh. Updates. Well, I am still pregnant. I guess it's been about six or seven weeks since I've updated since my last pregnancy week was week 14. Well, I am 21 weeks along now with another little GIRL! We are pretty much 100% settled on the name Brooklyn and are looking forward for the adventures two little girls bring. I am somewhat dragging my feet on thinking about her nursery because we have to get Natalie a new bedroom set and get her all settled in new furniture since Brooklyn will be using her crib and changing table. Brandon doesn't want to paint our guest room, so Brook's room will be a nice green. I'm thinking elephants as a theme, but I just don't know. I was so gung ho with Natalie's room. I think my perception has changed since Natalie started hating her crib at just past a year. She goes in her room to play, and that's about it. It's a cute room-- I just wish she'd actually sleep in there! Her favorite place is curled up between mom and dad. Our queen bed is starting to feel like a twin with my growing belly and our sweaty bedhog of a child. I will post more as I think of interesting things. And I might *gasp* actually add pictures. For now, you pretty much know where to find me on facebook or instagram:mommyjami. ;) Photobucket

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