Thursday, November 4, 2010

Well, it's time for an update, isn't it? I'm taking a little break from breaking down the guest room and laundry so I can strut my stuff all over the internet and announce my happy news...

We are blessed to be having a baby girl sometime in March! I am deliriously happy because I've always dreamed of having a little girl. A small part of me was sad to not be experiencing a baby boy this time around, but we're probably not going to stop at one child, so it looks good.

Last night before the ultrasound I could barely sleep. I was suffering from an extremely fluttery belly (not the baby, just nerves-- kid on Christmas Eve kind of feeling) and developed a charlie horse. I woke up in the middle of the night to pee and had a hard time falling back asleep until it was, like, 4:30 or so. I then slept until 7:00. I had aspirations of being up at 5:30 and doing full on hair and makeup in order to capture the news on film, but we all know that didn't happen. We rolled into the parking lot around the time of the appointment, 8:30 AM. Luckily, there was a wait due to patient volume, so we didn't cause any of the medical personnel to wait on us. (And really, when has that ever happened? Every time I go to the doctor, my appointment never starts on time.)

So, my mom, MIL, Brandon, and I killed time in the waiting room by exchanging stories about our childhoods. The ultrasound started around 9:00. I loved the bedside manner of my technician, a combination of humor and her own experiences in childbearing. The cold goop was dumped on to my gut and the party started. As opposed to my last ultrasound, as soon as the "wand" laid against my stomach a clear image of the baby popped up on the screen. We were able to identify the head, spine, arms, legs, bum, and to quite easily rule out that it was not a little boy. This little girl was sleeping on her belly with her head nestled somewhere against my hipbone. (Ouch! Move over, baby! The tech said that explained any soreness I was having in my tendons...) We were never able to get her to roll around to her back so we could get a clear look at her face. We were able to see that her heart looked healthy with four chambers, but the doctors feel more comfortable when the spine isn't blocking the view. That being said, I get to see my little dumpling again when I go back in four weeks. I hate that I didn't see her today, but I love the chance of getting to see her again before I deliver!

When I actually sat down and talked to my doctor, I told her that I was fearful that I hadn't felt any movement yet. We then narrowed it down that I was feeling movement, I just thought it was mostly gas. She said that when you're pregnant, your bowels kind of move over to the side so anything felt around the pubic bone is definitely baby and not gas bubbles. Good to know. We all know me. I panic.

Okay, tired and hungry again. Check out my facebook for pics of our girl!!


  1. So happy for you and glad Miss Natalie cooperated and strutted her stuff for you. :)

  2. lol, "I just thought it was gas!" Famous last words...

  3. Yeah for a little girl!!!! So excited for you!
