Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nursery Storyboard

Alphabet wall- DIY project that probably takes more time than I actually have, but I LOVE this. Can you tell that I want my baby to read early?

pst... this is all part of my plan to keep walls neutral and liven them up with some color and three-dimensional fun! Okay, I am officially having a lot of fun. And... I have to say... I think I'll be doing this theme either way. It's gender neutral and tranquil, yet super fun!! Look at that huge button. That alone makes me want to cry. And I have some white furniture that needs repainting, so I already have a lot of the stuff needed to complete my dream nursery. OH MY GOODNESS. I am ready to start this project. This nursery is my Christmas gift. LOL.

Bedding, $160 Babies-R-Us

The crib that I want is similar to the one in the picture and costs $200.

I was also thinking of using some vintage alphabet flash cards to put in various frames throughout the room, maybe even spelling out baby's name on a little shelf above the crib. The rest can be hung from string and clothespins in a corner of the room, and I think I will then tire of my love of the alphabet.

At that point, I might even start on some punctuation or definitions. LOL.

Seriously, I just googled "definition art".

In the early winter, I think we'll make a trip out to IKEA and come home with some cool toys, a spiffy hanging chandelier, and some paper lanterns.

And then I think we'll have our budget nursery well underway and prepped for little Dragan! I have to go get ready for work, but this was a lot of fun!


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