Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pregnancy Update- 29 weeks

So, only 11 or so more weeks to go!!

When you put it that way, it's not long at all.

I decided I would go back to doing my weekly pregnancy updates since I've fallen into a bit of a blogging rut. I still want to have something to refer back to if Natalie ever, you know, wants to know about what life was like before she came along. . .

Without further adieu, I launch into my list of pregnancy complaints and joys.

Total Weight Gained: 20 lbs

Maternity clothes: Yes, though today I wore a pre-pregnancy dress that's empire waisted.

Sleep: Not getting very much "good" sleep! Between waking up in the middle of the night to pee and constantly correcting myself to sleep on my side, it's pretty difficult to feel rested. Last night, for example, we went to bed around 8:45 (I know, party animals, right?). I woke up at 10:00 pm having to pee, again at midnight, and again at 3ish. This was between the periods of erratic tossing and turning. Finally, at 4, I came downstairs for a glass of water and decided that I should try out the couch. I laid down and watched an episode of "What Not to Wear" before falling asleep for, like, thirty minutes before waking up and going upstairs again. I then fell asleep and woke up around 8:30. Obviously, this doesn't work on a day when I have to actually go to work, so I feel like my hands are tied.

Best Moment of the week: A toss up between the progress I made on the nursery and the adorable hat that Andy's grandmother knitted for Natalie!

Food cravings: Although I don't see it as a craving as much as it's me becoming undisciplined in my habits, cookies and milk! Side note: I am so ready to have a basic turkey sandwich that I can't stand it. I also want to go back to guzzling diet coke nonstop. Oh, and caffeine is very much missed! I think I may even have a coffee habit once she comes!

Food aversions: Can't think of anything that turns my stomach.

Symptoms: Charlie horses, trouble sleeping, frequent trips to the bathroom, and more stretch marks. :/

Movement: I am feeling her more in the early morning and at night. I think she's mostly a day sleeper. I've felt her have hiccups once or twice, and it's so cute.

Gender: Still a girl. :)

What I miss: Caffeine, lunch meat, feeling "normal", being able to diet if I want to (though I haven't really WANTED to) , regular clothes, better movement. I am like a slow cow.

What I'm looking forward to: My water breaking and going into labor. :D

Weekly wisdom: I have none. I'm still navigating the rocky waters of "beginning parenthood".

Milestones: I'm in the third trimester, y'all. Heck yes!


  1. Have you tried sleeping in a recliner? I've had some women say it helped them, so who knows. heh

  2. I will be so glad to know you when I eventually have babies. I had no idea you couldn't eat lunch meat. I will be calling you nonstop and saying, "can I eat this?!"

  3. Well, you CAN eat it, just not in traditional form. I am the kind of person who likes to pick from a deli bag while it's cold. . . you can eat it, in limited quantities, if it's warmed up in the microwave, but that just sounds gross to me. I can't stand hot lunch meat, even from panera...
    Yeah. I will teach you how to be paranoid in your pregnancy. :)

  4. @ Becca- We've actually checked into buying a recliner for the baby's room, so I am looking forward to some comfort. :)
