Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Addicted to my Kindle

Oh yes, that's right. Me. Addicted to an electronic device. Who would have thought? You practically have to pry this little pretty from my hands at night. I even made a total night owl move and may or may not have purchased a hot pink case for it on ebay an hour ago.
Anyone who knows my previous woes of not wanting a kindle because I "don't have time for one", slap me now. I made time. And I am a junky. So, what have I been reading? Well, it's laughable. A lot of you won't understand. But... here goes. I absolutely love retellings of classic literature, especially romantic pieces like Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre. I love old stories re-imagined, and I'm not talking about your modern day spinoffs, like Bridget Jones's Diary, though that's one of my faves, too. I'm talking about... Rochester-- Jane Eyre told (rather saucily) from Mr. Edward Rochester's point of view. It's a little off the mark if you're a Bronte purist (which I am and, at the same time, am not), but it's definitely an engaging read! I love that the kindle lets you sample books generously. With this book, I was able to sample five chapters. And then I was sucked in. I had to purchase it. I needed to know what happened. So, I'm about halfway through this read. I am liking it. It's gotten to the point where you could say it's a bit repetitive. There are, of course, some things that would never happen, but who am I to judge? It's entertaining and, at times, extremely well written. I love to get to know characters, and this Rochester is definitely a tormented fellow. In other words, I know this is written by a female. :) She states at the beginning of the book that she wrote it largely in response to her appreciation for the BBC miniseries of 2006, so I can just close my eyes and imagine those actors as I read this book. And then it makes me want to watch the movie again. Vicious cycle. Early winter is when I usually pull all of my bonnet pieces and period films out. There's something about cold weather that makes me want to pull up the covers and stay in bed watching costume dramas. We even had the BBC 6 hour version of Pride and Prejudice going while I was in labor with Natalie. I was trying to bide my time before the epidural, but I made Brandon turn it off thirty minutes in because I could not concentrate and NEEDED MY EPIDURAL. So, what else am I loving? I'm loving that my child is sleeping through the night. I'm actually up right now because I heard her stirring and just knew I needed to come downstairs and prepare her bottle. Well, pacifier's back in her mouth, and she's fast asleep. I cannot believe she's going to be one in March. It's just--wow, that went by extremely fast. And now it's almost time for another one. The thought scares me. Are we ready? Can we handle it? I want to stay home if we have two or more, and, financially, it's just not happening. Things are hard. Brandon's finishing up school. I contribute a little bit to our mortgage, but I'm all the insurance we have since Brandon's company is small and doesn't offer it. Could we exist on the one income? All very important questions... I'm also loving my "pre-Spring" cleaning. Later today, when I'm actually coherently moving about, I'm going to take down our Christmas tree and get all of my decorations organized and put back down in the basement. Brandon's going to install Natalie's carseat and free up some more space in our living room, and I think, much later in the day, probably during Natalie's second nap (if I get that luxury), I'm going to shampoo our rugs with my new Hoover!! I really hate carpet. Maybe next year or the year after next, it'll be replaced with something more substantial... Anyhow, let's cap this off with something I'm exceedingly thankful for. I'm thankful for the safety and security of my loved ones. I pray fervently for protection over my loved ones each day, and I am so blessed and thankful to say that we have been kept from harm. When you have a child, it literally is like seeing your heart move around outside your body. You weigh things differently. You think about things more. You break that cracker into that much of a smaller piece, you follow more closely. You drive more carefully. I pray to God for protection, guidance, and strength all of the time. And it never ceases. Natalie is the most precious thing we have, our beautiful little girl. She really is so much joy, and it pains me to think that she will one day experience sin. I told Brandon that it's probably going to break my heart the first time she tells me a little white lie. I know that's silly to think, but right now she's 100% pure! Nothing going on in there but peace, love, and baby thoughts. Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if Brandon is interested in a job change, but Home Depot always has a big hiring spree in the Spring (their busy season). Feb is a good month to put in an application. I say this because our insurance is through Kody and Home Depot is very generous with benefits. They also pay a little higher than average. It would help out with insurance if you're going to have another little one! I don't know that it would allow you guys to live on one income (of course depending on whatever position he would get if he theoretically applied), but the insurance would at least allow you to work part time to have more time at home. I love the thought of your family growing, I hope one day we should be as blessed!
