Sunday, March 11, 2012

Organization of brain matter..

Okay, so typing in the words "brain matter" grosses me out. :/

Anywho, Natalie's party is a week from today, and I'm just checking in to get my thoughts organized. Losing an hour of sleep hasn't really helped me, and tomorrow I have to be at work at 7am, which is really 6am, and I'm just not mentally prepared for functioning that early even though I woke up at 4 am yesterday and was able to keep going until 11pm. You following me?

So, I found some pretty cute balloons for Natalie's party and plenty of tablescape inspiration on pinterest. (ah, I love pinterest. it's such a vicious cycle with me. I could go for hours with no food or water if I have a laptop with pinterest pulled up infront of me...)

The tricker is I don't want to drop the cash on a helium tank because I'm pretty sure I only have 12 balloons, not thirty... and you can have balloon overload. So I am going to be that obnoxious girl calling Party City as soon as they open to inquire about balloon blow up rates for balloons purchased outside their store. I hope to goodness gracious they don't have a weird policy. I'd be extremely grateful if they charged me like $5 to blow up 12 balloons because...yeah, that would be kind of them.

I'm probably going to throw things together extremely last minute, but I do like to have some semblance of a plan. I'm excited. Can you tell?

Brandon has given me $100 for the rest of this party, and I gotta make it last. Like I said in one of my previous posts, the invites alone were $30! :/ Never again. Generic invites next year. (probably not--next year is Handy Manny!! Do your kids watch that show? Pencil up my ear material, but the good thing is Natalie will probably be bilingual..)

So, with that being said..
balloons + balloon inflating charge
letters for highchair banner $2.99 at Joann's
scrapbook paper

I think I have everything else already taken care of.

I *think* I can make it work. Ya'll ain't never known a cheapskate like this one. I am a Dollar Tree addict.

In other news, I'm going to attempt to make one of these beauties today. I need a wreath form. My front door is nekkid.

Mine will be grey with bright flowers. I know it will not be this pretty. I'm not even going to pretend that something like this can come from my hands... I will probaby realize why these girls on etsy are charging $40 for something like this. I would love this for Natalie's door to her room... sigh. I just can't find felt in these colors and don't want to stand in line to have 1/8 yard of felt wool cut at the fabric store...

And in other other news, I have a date with a pile of yard debris that's cluttering up our backyard. We live in the city and can't acquire a burn permit, so I have to shovel all of it into my dad's truck bed and haul it to my parent's house to burn. I'm not looking forward to it, but I am so excited to have my yard back and looking good so the neighbors can stop talking and pointing. :) Just kidding. I have really nice neighbors.

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