Thursday, October 14, 2010

Baby Registry Panic Attack Rant

No one told me that a baby registry would lead to a headache.
I know that I'm a little premature here. We don't know what we're having until November 4th, but I wanted to get a head start and do a little bit of research. I feel like I'm going to vomit. I seriously had a near panic attack trying to read all of the reviews on car seats and strollers. I am not ready for this! I don't know what I'm doing. I'm in love with the idea of a baby, but I seriously have no idea how to take care of a baby. It's been an eternity since my days of highschool babysitting, and I doubt I even remember how to change a diaper! And I don't think I've ever held a newborn beyond the initial "meet the new baby" kind of thing. And that had to be thirteen years ago with my little cousin!
So, I am a fresh bundle of nerves, and I want to cry. I'm googling suggestions for new moms, and I am lost in a whirlwind of breast pumps, infant carriers, and swaddling cloths.
I am attributing this to hormones and the fact that we're going to be moving in a month. Thankfully, I have a couple of friends who are first-timers like me who have already made their registries and had their babies. When you're alone and looking at that stuff, it can be extremely intimidating. You don't want to get stuff you can't use, and you don't want to get something that's going to be on safety recall in a couple of months. You also want to get something that's going to practically grow with you and your child.
It's finally beginning to hit me. Being a mommy is hard work, and this baby has about five more months to cook! No wonder some moms have mental breakdowns. It's way too early in the game to be getting this overwhelmed. Granted, this is the first time I've allowed this to happen...
I just want to cry, cry, cry...
In other news, I had my appointment yesterday. Everything's going great so far! Check it out... I've only gained 6 lbs this entire pregnancy. I gained 10 with the miscarriage, so that's 16 lbs total from any sort of pre-pregnancy. And that was a good 30 lbs heavier than my wedding weight, so... haha.
It brings me back to this, though. I just want to cry!


  1. Hey girl, don't freak out, everyone has to start somewhere. She recently had her second baby and did a post asking for readers to recommend different things for baby.... check it out. I know I was making mental notes for the future.

    Also... she's a new mom and also did a post about how they are doing the baby thing for basically what Gray I probably make... aka poor.

  2. So, I have a Medela Pump In Style that I only used for a week that you can have. You can buy replacement pieces. If you want it - it's yours. It was I think like $250 or something like that. (we also have a play mat and a few other gear type things that we didn't really use with Lilly if you want them).

    Also, I know you and you research a ton ( :) ), but just trust your and Brandon's judgment. It's just my suggestion that you first determine (registry wise) what is really important for you to have. We did not purchase a swing because not all babies like swings (we borrowed one), we bought a bouncer seat, but she hated it.

    I could write you a novel about just my suggestions, so if you want, I would love to catch up on the phone or we can catch up over e-mail.

    Also - one thing to think about (if you aren't put off by the idea), I bet Nashville and surrounding has great kids consignment stores where you can get some of the bigger and expensive gear for a decent price.
