Thursday, December 2, 2010

I have no creative taglines, sorry...

Hello, hello. It's 6am, and I have been wide awake and freezing since a little before 4am. I finally had to get up, put some thicker pajamas on, and trudge downstairs for some blog stalking and facebook prowling...

We have another ultrasound today, and I think I'm a little nervous and excited about that. Hopefully our little girl will cooperate and we'll be able to get a good look at her face and heart. I'm hoping and praying that everything goes normally and that there are no defects or concerns. I have no reason to believe that anything's wrong, but it concerns me a bit that she was on her belly the entire time last time. I've also had some spurts of movement from her followed by long periods of stillness, so I don't know. I guess that's normal, but every little thing you feel and don't feel in pregnancy makes you wonder.

Haha, I'm also a little nervous that we might find out she's a boy this time! I love little boys and would not be opposed to whatever God gives me, but I've already gone on a little shopping spree! Her umbilical cord was between her legs last time. The tech looked twice for us to make sure, but mistakes have been made from time to time, and I guess I'm thinking that if it happened to anyone, it would happen to the girl who's already had her baby's room painted a bright, cheery aqua and bought some undeniably girly outfits. ;)

I am so thankful for this baby, but there are times when I'm paralyzed by the fear of being a mother. I have never really been around newborns. As soon as I hold a baby, I am usually the one handing it right back after the obligatory bounce and butt pat. I don't know if it's pregnancy or sheer terror, but I get really overheated these days when I'm handed a baby. I could chalk it up to hormones and usually do, but I think it's the reality that I will be holding my own in four short months if all goes as planned.

And when it comes to baby registries and shopping for a baby, there are so many options out there. I tried to do some research and got seriously overwhelmed. There's my mother who thinks everything I get needs to come from a consignment store ("You won't use it for long! And you'll have way too much stuff you won't need! Why spend the money on new stuff when you can bleach it in clorox?") and then my mother-in-law who joked or was maybe serious about wanting to have her own shower so she'll have stuff at her house during the times she keeps Natalie. Two conflicting views, one frazzled mommy! I DON'T CARE!

That being said, there are only four items on my registry thus far.
An angel care movement monitor, $100-- it actually has some sort of sensor that will cause an alarm to go off if baby turns on her back or stops breathing. According to Target's reviews, this thing has been a lifesaver many times and has allowed panicked mommies to be able to sleep instead of waking up every thirty seconds to check on baby.

A changing pad. . . for all the yucky that will ensue.

A baby tub... for washing off all of the yucky.

And there was something else, but I can't remember. I want to drag Brandon up and down some baby aisles to help me make decisions, but I have a feeling he will be more overwhelmed than I am, and then we'll register for nothing because we'll say "Let's go back later!". That's what we did last time. We never had this problem when creating our wedding registry. There was no research involved. We either liked it or we didn't, and then we changed our minds 3 months later and was stuck with it all! So, if you ever come over and stay with us and see that we have bajillion different colored towels, you'll know what happened. I had not nailed down a color theme. Haha. It's like Joseph's coat of many colors under our bathroom sink. ( I feel so sad that I've acquired two more bathrooms but have no linen closet!)

I'm personally holding out to have a little April Fool's Day baby. That would be exactly a week past my due date. I think that would be fun.

I'll try to get the house looking good in the next couple of weeks so I can provide you guys with a glimpse of our new home. We still have a couple more rooms to paint, so we have furniture crammed into the baby's room.

On the 18th, Brandon and his dad are making a Christmas trip to Atlanta to see the NJ Devils play against whoever Atlanta's hockey team is, so they will be making a pitstop at IKEA. I have already compiled a list of what they are to return with, so maybe I can start putting together the baby's room in January when life slows down.

I am excited and scared.

Also? Brandon decides tomorrow if he's going to be leaving the country in June for ten days to go across the world on a mission trip to Ukraine. I would lie if I said I felt comfortable with him wanting to go. At that point, Natalie will still be a newborn, and I am terrified at the idea of anything happening to him. I don't know how I'll handle being a mother, and if I suffer through PPD or PPA or PPOCD or something scary, I want him here for support. I think he understands that I'm not trying to limit his opportunities, but the timing's just not right next year.

I'm hoping that he will decide to stay, but I know I cannot force him.

Anyhow, off to get ready for the big appointment. Don't want to be late! It's a farther drive now! Have a good day!


  1. I can definitely imagine your overwhelmedness.

    I have 2 nephews and a niece... I've been around a lot of babies and took care of them...

    Yet yesterday (Wed), Gray and I went to Target to buy a few gifts for a baby shower that's on Sunday and WHOA. Granted, a lot of that is just stuff, not necessities... but still... insane-ness.

    I think the best thing to do is to ask to borrow stuff... borrow a breast pump, or buy the manual one and see how it works for you. Some women can't pump and others pump fountains.

    Borrow as much as you can... go to yard sales for as much as you can.. or craigslist.

    Granted, if you are having more than one kid, some of this is a good investment!

    If nothing else, get what you know you will need and then just ask for gift cards. I figure you'll be OK if you have several moms at your showers because they will know what you will need/use. :)

    As far as the Brandon deal.. I'd totally freak out. I think I'd have a melt down. If he's going to be gone, make sure your mom/mil can come over and help you out if you need it.

  2. I had to stop mid post only to comment and say "YAY FOR AQUA GIRL'S ROOMS!" ok, now I'm done and will go back to reading.

  3. Ok, one other comment - we have the Angelcare system and we liked it. We used the motion pad once Lilly moved to her room and it worked great up until she started moving around in her sleep. Then she would move off the pad and cause all sorts of panic in the night for me.

  4. The good news is that Aqua would make a lovely boy's room color as well. :)

    You're going to need a swing or jump seat for the baby, I know many moms who swear by them to have something hands free to occupy baby. Don't be afraid to register for things that are months out for baby because they grow fast.

    Personally, I would be fine with consigning or yard sale-ing for toys and books, and objects, but not for anything hygiene related (bottles, tubs, breast pump, bottle cleaner, pacifiers). I would want that stuff to be brand spanking new and sterile for my baby. Germ free! Plus, its not really a bad investment to buy it new because 1.- you get friends and family to tote some of the cost through showers, and 2.- you can keep it and use it again for more babies.

    If you need help registering, I'd be glad to go with you. I might be of no real help other than nerve relief, but if it helps...

  5. I thought of some things I see moms swear by that you could get second hand:

    swing, bumbo seat (buy the boppy pillow yourself for sanitary reasons), crib, changing table, buy a new car seat (you might could get one for free from fire dept.... some will if they get to demonstrate safety to you), like trina said... bottles and the such you should get yourself. I'd go with a manual breast pump and see if pumping works for you. You can always rent a machine from a hospital to see if those work for you before shelling out a lot for the big one.

    Register for all things, not just newborn items. Have you decided if you're doing throw away or cloth diapers? If you need help in that area, I know a few blog posts about them.

    Also: nursing bras! Take care of your tatas!

    I've been saving a ton of information on all things babies for years now so don't be afraid to ask for more information. :)
