Tuesday, March 1, 2011

happy birthday, my sweet... and some rambles!

Happy Birthday to my sweet, wonderful, one-of-a-kind, totally amazing husband!! It seems like a lifetime ago that he came into my life, but I can't imagine life without him. The measure of joy and comfort that he's brought me is like nothing else that I know, and I am so happy and content in our marriage. We have our ups and downs like every married couple, but I can honestly say that I love him today more than I ever have, and the love only keeps growing. He's going to be an awesome father, and I can't wait to see our little girl melt his heart into one big sloppy puddle of daddy-love. I cannot wait to grow our little family and make this new house a home!

side note: I hope she looks like him! I don't have any baby pictures of Brandon floating around the internet, but you have to believe me when I say he was purely adorable. Curls, chub, drool. :)

I really wanted to do something cool for his birthday this year, but we have a lot of money going out right now and not as much coming in as we'd like. Between the mortgage, bills, Brandon's school, and baby expenses, money's a little tight. I'm also not going to be paid for about four weeks of my maternity leave, so... yeah. I cancelled my long-abandoned YMCA membership last week and enrolled for the corporate discount at Verizon, so that saves us a few pennies. I've also committed to making meals at home. I have to say that one's hard right now. Being huge and pregnant, I'm not really excited to prepare food, but it is what it is. :) I have to start thinking about meals to make ahead and freeze. Daunting thought.

I think we're going to buy him a painting when we have some disposable income, but we're both kind of over celebrating our birthdays when we have a little one coming so soon! I'm probably going to forget my birthday due to being so distracted! I'll have the best birthday present of all coming at the end of March, though. (Maybe sooner. I can only hope.)

There are some things, though, that I would LIKE to have after the baby comes and before I return to the land of the living. It's funny to think that these things might be considered "luxuries" now, but it doesn't feel like so much of a sacrifice in exchange for a baby. These aren't mandatory, but I would like them just the same!

1. An eyebrow wax. LOL. Regular eyebrow waxes. At $8-10 a pop, I usually don't get them done anymore. It's been, sadly, about five months... and I sometimes resemble Bert and Ernie, but I would like to make some room for getting them done routinely again.

2. Salon hair cut. I traded out trips to the salon when Brandon and I got married for trips to Fantastic Sams and Great Clips. It's hard to imagine that I ever spent close to $100 on getting my hair done every six weeks or so. I don't want a real cut because Brandon wants me to grow my hair out, but I would like some idea of a style. Something to make me feel better, more human. I don't have to be a bombshell, but I would like to feel human!

3. New clothes. I am so sick of maternity clothes that it's unreal. I walked around Old Navy for about twenty minutes today looking at all of the cute Spring-y outfits. I so wanted to take my pregnant belly and chuck it across the room. Spring and summer clothes are so adorable and bright. I cannot wait to get back into regular sizes again! I don't even care if I'm shopping off of the deep clearance rack. I would just like some regularity!!

4. A sewing macine. Haha. I just want to craft like nobody's business.

Well, I am going to go upstairs for my nightly soak in the tub. It's the only way I can get through the painful early labor contractions that I've been having. I cannot help but hope the contractions mean something! Let's pray for some progress at tomorrow's doctor appointment! I would be on cloud nine if my doctor told me that I was dilated to 4 or 5 and that we'd get the show on the road in a couple of days! I know that's not the norm for first time moms, but I cannot wait to have some energy.

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