Sunday, June 6, 2010

Five Question Friday on SUNDAY!

So. . . the terrible, miserable tiredness has apparently worn off. I managed to actually get my junk together and buckle down and conquer cleaning both my kitchen and my bathroom! Woot! Woot!

Anyhow, I was blog stalking for some inspiration. I'm going to try to make a memo board/organizer thing for our kitchen in an effort to, well, STOP THE MADNESS that is my disorganization lately. 

Anyhow, came upon this small questionnaire on one of the blogs I frequent and figured I'd answer because I am WIDE AWAKE! 

1. If you could go back to college would you change your major? Or, if you were to go to college right now...what major would you choose?
MOST DEFINITELY. I would choose something that I would enjoy, something really dorky and unheard of. Chances are, I'd still be plugging away toward the same goal-- staying at home and raising the kids/ being creative on the side. Anyhow, I would probably go to school for art history or studying the classics. Something that you wouldn't be able to really get a stellar job in! Oh well, it's the stuff that makes me happy. That, or maybe MAKE UP or interior design. I have so many loves, it's hard to buckle down and be serious. It's ridiculous to plot out your life, I think. I like to be constantly surprised.  Who needs money when you're fulfilled? Oh, I forgot this. I would probably like to try and go back for musical theatre again. It was my first major, many moons ago. If I had not lost confidence and had stuck with horrible musical theory, I might have enjoyed it more. It's so funny how we convince ourselves that stuff is more daunting than it actually is. I thought music theory was going to be the death of me, but I've dealt with much more difficult things since then! Ah, the perception of an eighteen year old. Wouldn't want to have it back! 

2. What do you love most about your home?
That it's cheap rent. ;) Other than that, I love that the person who lived here before us tried to renovate it. There's a lot of really cute cottage-y elements to this house. My favorite room is our bathroom because it's a shabby chic explosion! I also love our living room because we're always in there!  
3. What types of books do you like to read (if you like to read at all)?
Hah, I laugh at the person who doesn't like to read at all. That being said, I laugh at my father-in-law and father. Um, I am moderately obsessed with Jane Austen, if you couldn't tell. My taste varies. This summer, I was going to try and crank out a ton of books. I had intended on focusing on classics, but I love some chick lit and historical fiction. I will try anything once, but I don't really swing toward mystery or suspense. I just have a hard time getting into those kind of books. When I do, I usually freak myself out! I get paranoid. 

4. What is the grossest thing you've ever eaten?
Probably something of my own creation... I can't really remember. I don't like chicken livers, but who does? Really. Find me someone who does. I don't believe you. 

5. If you HAD to be a character on a TV show, whom would you be?
BLANCHE from Golden Girls. Ha. :) I think it would be fun to play a fifty year old mattress prior to the Sex and the City craze.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jami, Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I appreciate your sweet comments and I am so glad you stopped by. Your blog is so cute, I remember when I was 25 and discovering my decorating style. Well, now my style is what I like and that's all that matters, lol! Have a great day!
