Tuesday, June 22, 2010

ramble burn ramble

This is a random edit to this post since I just uploaded some pictures from Brandon's camera. 
1) Chloe sleeping with my Belmont bear. Brandon likes to terrorize her as she sleeps. She doesn't seem to care or even notice. Sweet, right? 
2) My finished book wreath, hanging in all of its glory. Sense and Sensibility coupled with a trashy Regency romance novel. 
3) Today's sunburn and me all sweaty and dirty after messing around in the front yard. 

SUNBURN! Three hours poolside reading Rebecca by Daphne Du---ummm? resulted in a burn of the deepest kind on my fair, freckly skin. I've always assumed that I am dark complected because there's a lot of Cherokee blood in my family, but the past couple of times I've been in the sun this year, I've walked away bright red with some pretty nasty tan lines and the need to down some benodryl. Of course, for the past six or so years, I've acclimated myself to the tanning bed, so this is probably just punishment for reckless behavior. And since I've been banned from the tanning bed due to Brandon's fear of me getting cancer, let's just say I've been rubbing elbows with Casper. 

ANYHOW... I'm now taking a break from yard work. 90 degree weather just doesn't mesh with me being on my hands and knees weeding out the area beneath our shrubs.  It was kind of a jungle down there, and who knows how many spiders and other small insects are living inside of my clothes right now. So, my mom's gone to her house to get a better shovel than the one we have, and we're going to put one more hydrangea and phlox in the ground now that we've cleaned up the shrubbery and there's some bare ground.  It's going to be pretty when they bloom next summer. For now, I have absolutely no hope of new blooms. If something happens, I'm going to be more than surprised. My petunias are gorgeous, but they're petunias. I think you could pretty much throw them on a bed of rocks and they'd do fine.  I was just kind of sick of our house looking like two clueless college kids lived there. I mean, we'll be at this house three years next March, and I definitely haven't paid attention to the exterior until this year. *shame face* 

RAMBLE. This is exactly why I shouldn't have a blog. How many people care about this kind of stuff? I wish we were still going to the symphony tonight. Unfortunately, it's been vetoed by Brandon who has decided he can't sit in 91 degree heat to see Debussy but can sit in 91 degree heat on a riding mower. :/ 



  1. This is why you SHOULD blog, because really, blogging is all about you, not necessarily your readers.

    Anyways, I wanted to share how I laid my leg beside of Gray's arm last night and noticed that I look as pale as Edward in Twilight, seriously! However, I don't really care because I'd take my freckles over a tan any day.

    Also, kudos to you for not tanning! Tanning beds are horrible, but you can get cancer regardless of tanning so always use sunscreen, except not the kind that causes cancer. Yeah, I just said that.


  2. Hey girl! I just ran across your blog! (It makes me happy and reminds me of how we really need to get together soon! You are welcome to come see our house, although it is definitely a work in progress with splotches of test paint on the wall!) By the way, you should have gone to the symphony! David and I met my parents and went!


  3. Melanie,
    Wow! I guess people are finding my blog through Katie's mommy blog! Haha! I often get found when I leave comments on hers, I guess. Anyhow, I am glad you're here! I don't link it publicly to my facebook profile because there are some things that are just embarrassing, you know? Like me dorking it out about something of little importance or venting about my mama drama. I'm sad to say mama drama has entered the picture, especially with my in-laws being in the same city! Wow. I never thought my mom would say some of the things she's been saying, but such is life, you know? Anyhow, I AM SO GLAD TO SEE YOU HERE! This is a much better way to keep up with me than facebook. And I would love to come and see you and your new home! I bet it's beautiful! And paint splotches are fun! I haven't done any painting in this house besides furniture, so I'm sure I'll be envious! :) And I wish we would have gone to the symphony, too. Our friend told us that it was rained out that night! I think they had it the next week and did some Star Wars?
