Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Move over Jane Austen festival, the Phantom's in town...

Well, not in our town. . . in Atlanta, GA, but still. Close enough for me to know we've already gotten our tickets and hotel booked for a romantic anniversary getaway. Who knows? This might be our thing, going to Atlanta for our anniversary. While I'm not really a fan of the city, I have been beckoned by the angel of music. . .better start listening to the cast albums now. 

Anyhow, unfortunately our getaway falls on the same weekend that I had set aside for dorking it out with Jane Austen enthusiasts in Louisville, KY. Oh well. I guess I'll be dorking it out, high class, with some "phans" and eating some fabulous Chinese at Chow Baby.  Maybe next year. . . 

Lemme just say that Brandon was ecstatic at the prospect of Phantom over Jane Austen. This is coming from the guy that has the six hour Pride and Prejudice  miniseries going in the next room. . . ha. I'm excited because I've only seen a few shows with Brandon. He claims Phantom is his favorite, so that'll at least be enjoyable to the both of us. I don't need to go into the snoozefest that was Chicago, the complaining of Harvey Fierstein in Fiddler on the Roof, or the yawning in Les Miserables

So, I leave you all with this (in case you haven't noticed, my mood drastically improves when musicals are on the agenda. More musicals please.):



  1. I am SOOOOOOOO jealous. I've wanted to see Phantom live for a long time but either never have time or money when it is nearby.

    I wanted to see Wicked in Memphis this fall but it was super expensive (I don't pay $100 for balcony seats unless it's something I've seen before and loved) and then I'm pretty sure it's now sold out. Bummer.

    Gray loved the 5 hour Pride and Prejudice and won't watch any other version with me. I personally watched the newest movie first so I have to say, I think I enjoyed it more, but in a different way. Don't throw rocks at me or anything, please!

    I've only seen three shows that were Broadway touring... no NYC shows yet... Beauty and the Beast (Disney), Little Shop of Horrors (my favorite musical, although I might be biased because it was my first performance in a musical as well), and Jesus Christ Superstar.

    Those were all in high school so I need to step it up. I really wanted to see Beauty and the Beast again while it was in town but of COURSE it's here in June, when we're broke. hah

    Now I've written a book so I'll go. :)

  2. I am a total dork when it comes to theatre, though I have definitely been out of practice. I didn't expect for Brandon to be so enthusiastic! My favorite show is Les Miserables. It's going to be on it's 25th anniversary tour next year. I think the closest stop is Louisville, and that's in March. I really want to go, but if things go as planned, we might be delivering a baby that time next year. It's hard not to get overly excited and start to make plans! I would love if my child's first exposure to the real world was my favorite show. . . it'd be like that baby at Sex and the City. ;) Only better.
