Sunday, June 6, 2010

Miserable tired

You know when you're MISERABLE TIRED? Like, you want to get up instead of moping around and actually do something productive but your body rebels and you're left with a shell of yourself? The kind of tired when a three hour nap just doesn't really cut it for you? Yeah, that's me today. I'm shuffling around trying to remember where I put things (phone's dead and can't find it) , berating myself for not cleaning the bathroom yet ( has it been a week or two?) , and just being a poor excuse for a human ( give me chocolate...). 

I can't believe I thought it was going to be possible for me to juggle three books a week with this life. I'm only just now to the part in Bridget Jones's Diary where she has invited Mark Darcy around for a dinner party. And speaking of BJD, I have an extra copy if anyone feels compelled to borrow it. Goodwill in Mt. Juliet is completely half off the first Saturday of every month, and I may or may not have stalked the book section and had triumphant luck. Usually all of their books are $1.99, but I walked away with four books for $4.37 on Saturday after standing in a crazy line. Who knew so many people flocked to Goodwill? I lucked out with...
another copy of Bridget Jones's Diary
Tess of the D'urbervilles by Thomas Hardy
Jemima J ( chick lit) by ????
Andrew Lloyd Webber coffee table book ( still had original price tag of $25.00) -- fitting because we see Phantom in little over a month. 

Should have gotten candleholders and what not to spray paint as everything was measly $1 price tags but didn't have the patience to stand in hot line and dream up Pottery Barn scenarios. Was too ecstatic over the books and behaving very much like a dork who found the holy grail with my ALW book in hand. I've been reading too much Bridget and have adopted the usage of sentence fragments. 

Have a good night, all. The work week starts once more, and I couldn't dread it anymore than I do right now. So sleepy. 


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