Thursday, July 1, 2010

That's life, kid!

Well, we had a little bit of a personal upset today. I won't elaborate, but Brandon received a pay cut due to some company downsizing. It was half a surprise, half expected. We are thankful he still has a job, but we can't help but feel a little confused and jaded right now. I know things will work out in the end and that we will look back on this time and know we learned something from it, but pay decreases and family planning don't often go hand in hand. My dream of stay-at-home-mommyhood might be a little impossible now. We were under the impression that Brandon's company was going to be adding a great benefits package so my primary insurance wouldn't be necessary.  We're going to wait it out for a bit and see what happens before seriously contemplating anything. 

We're still going to continue to do Dave Ramsey, and I might look for a small job on the side. I said I wanted to let go of some monotony. ;) Adding a new job to the mix might be exciting and enriching!! (And by exciting and enriching, I think I mean tiresome and draining...) 

Eh, in happier news, one of my hydrangea plants is starting to show some new blooms and buffalo chicken lasagna is in the crock pot waiting to be eaten tomorrow. Financial strife only brings out the Suzy Homemaker in me; if I can't shop, I can try to cook and try to adapt to a tighter budget. 



  1. Sorry to hear that, it seems like whenever we think our money is going to be less tight we either get our hours cut or something breaks. It's tough, but I appreciate the things we have more, I think? lol

    I saw you posted that recipe from the 365 day crockpot blog. I love Stephanie, I have her first cookbook and I'll probably get her second cookbook as well. She's awesome. :)

  2. Thanks. It was a bit hard to swallow, but everything will be okay. I don't need all that stuff that I feel like I have to have right now anyways. It's just a lesson in self-discipline. And who knows? This could be a trial thing; his paycheck could buoy back up. Maybe his raise was a bit premature. He's on a conference call right now, so he'll have more news about the state of the company. We're just going to wait it out and see what comes of it.

    Yeah! I was so excited to find that blog! I love my crock pot and don't use it nearly enough. I was searching through her archives, and she has a lot of tasty things in there. I think I would eat at home every night if everything came out as yummy as the buffalo chicken lasagna did. (And how do I know this, you ask? Well, it's 8am... and my breakfast was a trial bowl of my buffalo chicken lasagna. It smelled so good, I had to try it...)

    I need to go read some of your posts and comment on your blogs. For whatever reason, you're showing up in my links on the side of my blog, but you're not being documented in my google reader so that I know when you make an update. :/

  3. I'm sorry that happened! Maybe it won't last long and his pay will go back up. Buffalo chicken lasagna sounds really good! I need to learn to cook! I can follow recipes pretty well but I don't really have a dish that I'm particularly awesome at! Well, other than macaroni and cheese and that is pretty basic! :)
