Wednesday, September 15, 2010



Anyone else excited that my doctor has bumped my due date up by 3 days? That means I'm REALLY out of the first trimester. That means nausea may soon go away for good, and I might get some honest to goodness energy.

This is the long and short of my appointment today. 

I did not gain any weight. Woot, woot.  Thank you, nausea. I have been able to gorge myself this entire month with nothing to show for it. 

I had to pee in a cup so they could check my urine for sugar. No threats of gestational diabetes. WOO! I was concerned about this because I've not been the healthiest. 

All of my blood work was absolutely normal, but I have not been immunized for chicken pox, something they're going to have to do ASAP as baby is born because apparently getting the chicken pox while an adult is horrific. 

We got to hear the heartbeat via doppler, and it was loud and clear! 158 bpm compared to the 164 bpm a month ago. We're thinking this baby might be team blue. . . when the tech left the room, I started my typical routine of fanning myself and crying. 

Doctor came into the room and answered some questions for me, said my chance of miscarriage was 2%, if that. WIN! Told me to tell the world.  Looks like I'm going to have a healthy baby. 

My next ultrasound is at 20 weeks, so some time in November. That will be the gender scan. I can hardly wait. I really wanted an ultrasound today, but she pretty much assured me that everything was right on track. At that appointment, they will be able to see the heart chambers and make sure there's no defects. I'm worried and wary, but I am hoping and praying for a perfectly healthy baby! 

She also gave me a flu shot today. Apparently, pregnant women can develop pneumonia if they get the flu. The immune system is not as equipped to fight infection, so this was a highly recommended precaution. And the flu shot has knocked all energy out of me, so I will be confined to my bedroom yet again on my day off.  ( I am going to try to stir before 4pm so I can drop all of my "Hoarder-closet-cleaning" clothes off at Goodwill.  And I want to clean! And do laundry! BAH!) 

Anyhow. . . great news!! Now to change my ticker on the top right of my page. It's no longer accurate, and I want to see the light at the end of this fun pregnancy tunnel!! :) 


1 comment:

  1. I had to get the varicella (chicken pox) vaccine for nursing school even though I had the chicken pox as a kid. I was literally only .03 from immunity but it wasn't good enough. I know have 5+ immunity!

    I'm not sure about the chicken pox being bad as an adult, but I know shingles is supposed to be horrible.

    Yeah, when the baby is healthy you don't get ultrasounds, so be thankful because that's a great sign!
