Monday, September 6, 2010

hide yo kids, hide yo wife...


I'm just sitting here in the living room being a nauseous little frumpalufagus and waiting for some sort of miracle to creep up on me where I'll start to feel better.

I labored on labor day, so nothing exciting there.
After work, I went to Ross and bought some new sweats to lounge around in.  I don't look at regular cute clothes anymore because 1) I can't fathom putting anything around my waist that is not supported by elastic 2) Frumpalufaguses don't usually wear cute clothes. 

I am beginning to wonder if I'll get that cool pregnancy glow or if I'll just have this sick pregnancy pallor all nine months. 

I am so sick and tired of feeling like this! 




  1. Aw, I hope you get to feeling better soon! I just had my son on August 17th. I remember that first trimester ... uggh, I feel for you! But it's totally worth it in the end, he's perfect. :) As I'm sure yours will be. Good luck!

  2. But you ARE glowing! That's such a cute pregnant mommy picture! If you have girls they will be jealous of you!

  3. Frumpalufagus...:)
    Hope you get to feeling better--that is a cute picture!

  4. You look fantastic in that picture, definitely NOT frumpy at all. :)
