Saturday, September 11, 2010

House Hopeful

I have found the house I want us to buy. It's at the lower end of our price range, and it's almost 2000 sq feet! It's in Mt. Juliet which means I'd be closer to work, and it's closer to Nashville for Brandon and school. 

That being said, here's a picture of the facade. I'm not going to put MLS information on here because that would just be dumb in the event that we actually get this house, but. . . here she is in all her beautiful two-story glory. 

602 Oak Cove Ct, Mount Juliet, Tennessee real estate

We're going to try to have a viewing tomorrow afternoon. The bonus is that she's completely vacant. I would love bringing home a baby to this house! No more struggling to get up the front porch! No more house that's not mine. Bring on the paint, bring on the decorating. (Within reason... we'd be on a strict budget for sure.) Anyhow, I'm in love! Isn't she a beauty? 



  1. Pretty!

    I didn't even know until a few months ago that you guys were renting your current house. I'd love to rent a house right now but it'd be better to just wait and buy our own house because of how much rent costs here in the 'boro. It's ridiculous.
