Saturday, September 18, 2010

I update way too much these days.

I have massively failed with fluid intake during this pregnancy, so I am trying to make up for it in one sitting. Let it be advised that one should not drink four glasses of water in a row when one has only one bathroom in the house to be shared by two people, one of whom has a nighty ritual of occupying the bathroom for twenty minutes upon arriving home. Ahem. 

Because I don't want my baby to be victim to low levels of amniotic fluid, I am drowning myself.  And today I actually had broccoli and cauliflower. The cauliflower was disguised as mashed potatoes in the form of a meal lovingly made and delivered by my MIL, but I digress. I happily devoured it, washed it down with a microwaveable White Castle ( I hate myself), puffy cheetos, and ice cream, and decided then and there that some things are gonna havta change...

I feel like I ate so much today. It is awesome to have an appetite back, but someone actually told me I was "showing" today. 

-coconut milk and berry smoothie
-bag of blueberry mini muffins 
-trail mix 

-small bag of puffy cheetos 
-Chicken Fresco 
-Broccoli and cauliflower florets with ranch dressing 

-2 pieces cornbread
-mashed cauliflower
-microwaveable White Castle 
(This is the point I entered the realm of Chubbydom) 
-bowl of chocolate ice cream with banana

I don't know why I feel obligated to post so darn much. I guess this is my way of hanging out with baby right now. 

Anyhow, baby and I are going to go curl up and read some Jane Austen and try to down one more glass of water before the night's over... 



  1. You do realize that you have an excuse for eating now... it's called making a baby grow! If you are super concerned about eating healthy, look at what you craving, it usually tells you what you are deficient in... and then you can look at eating more along those lines.

  2. Jami-

    The first three months of my pregnancy were spent with me eating nothing but Burger King and McDonalds. Not only because it tasted good, but because greasy food was all that I could handle for a while. Not to mention a large consumption of Andes Mint ice cream which I rationalized that the mint was helping the nausea.
