Friday, August 27, 2010


So, to kill you with something sweet. . . 

I invite you to listen to what my sweet mother-in-law did today.
Knowing that I am most of the time too ill to do anything besides go to work and come home and sleep these days, she went out and did a quick grocery run for us! It was very humbling, and, at first, I was just a little bit miffed that someone else decided to do the shopping for us. (Whenever someone does something nice for me, I can't take it and have to think of other motives. Does she think I'm a bad wife? Am I so horrible that I can't walk through a grocery store without feeling nauseous? This, that, and the other...) 

Anyhow, just a little something that brightened my day. I'm learning to be gracious and trying to think of something nice to do for her when I'm not so miserable.  Why is it that everything feels like a monumental effort when you're pregnant? I can't just clean the house anymore. It has to sit there and get disgusting before I do anything about it.  And even then, I'm winded before I even stoop down to collect the cat hair in a dust pan.  And then I gag at the cat hair. 

So. . . now I'm dealing with the insomnia that happens after working an evening shift and pregnantly eating my way through our newly stocked pantry.

Oh, another thing that brightened this little day of mine. 
We found out that Brandon's cousin Ken and his wife Janet are pregnant and are expecting three days after us!!  Looks like our little peanut will have a ready playmate if all goes as hoped!! I'm so happy for them. I seriously can't wait to compare pregnancy stats with someone I kind of know instead of, well, the internet and all the crazy message boards I frequent. I'm going to have to stay off the message boards. They scare me.  As a result of reading posts, I think I'm having a miscarriage every other day. Just not good. 

Oh, and something pregnancy-related ( as if this whole message wasn't :P), I HATE DIET COKE MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE RIGHT NOW. HELL HATH FROZEN OVER, AND DEMONS ROMP OVER ALL THE LANDS.  
I guess that's good since I really don't need the aspartame, but sheesh. Never thought something I loved would taste like poop.



  1. HAHAHA "and demons romp over all the lands!" You are too funny! I love that she went grocery shopping for you, that is the sweetest thing ever.

  2. This totally reminds me of the Friends episode where Phoebe gives in to meat because it's what the baby wants. heh
