Tuesday, August 10, 2010

of feathers and bubbles

Feeling very drained today. I don't really have anything major to report. We have guests coming to stay with us on Thursday night, so I managed to make the guest room look halfway decent tonight. Am going to try to return a feather comforter to Target tomorrow. . . followed the wash instructions, and out came a comforter with clumps of feathers all over the place! I don't know if you've ever washed a feather/goose down comforter, but when it emerges from the wash it smells like a nasty, smelly pile of mildew. The feathers? Well, they're just the nastiest thing ever. I can't even describe it. It could be chalked up to "pregnancy nose" and what not, but it's pretty gag worthy. 

I am wanting a change of scenery in the biggest way. I'm trying to be content, but it's so hard sometimes. I feel as if my existence is in this tiny bubble, and I'm desperately trying to prick the bubble to see the world outside of it.  In times like this, we're told we should be thankful to have a job. I can see the merit in that. Really. But sometimes I want to be more than my day-to-day/40 hours a week self.  It's very easy to get in a rut.  When you think about it, I've been doing the same thing for about a decade. 

A change would be fun! I just don't know what I would do. 


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