Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Edit this life.

I've decided I want to do bigger and better things. I don't know exactly what that means for me, but I'm not really content with where I am in life. It's not to say that I am unhappy, but I just feel like I'm not living very courageously. I'm not taking risks in my relationships or growing myself. I've grown stagnant and, dare I say it? -- boring.  I'm twenty-five. Who is this boring, really? Really? I disappoint myself with my lack of zest.  There's not enough time left for me to be this boring! :) 

My days are monotonous and routine. I wake up at 6:00 (realistically, more like 6:55) and am into work at 8:00. I work until 5:00.  One day of the week, I have a chiropractic appointment. We talk, clean, eat, play around with our respective toys ( internet and playstation) and go to bed. Sometimes we run errands. We usually fall asleep to a movie or an old tv series.  All of our couple friends are in different cities, and we aren't involved enough in our church to know young couples there.  That needs to change.  We need friends in our stage of life. 

Fuddy-duds that are still rocking it. Those kind of friends. 

That being said . . .

I'm not saying I want to wake up tomorrow morning and climb a mountain or run a marathon (heck to the no) , but I just want tomorrow to be different. I want to be  open to new things. I want to be able to look beyond the socially awkward person that I can occasionally be and suddenly have the desire and the confidence to reach out and make friends. I'm always afraid of making new friends. While I know I'm likable, I surprise myself with the amount of dorkiness I have amassed in a mere twenty-five years. I didn't have the same childhood that most of my friends had, and I have a hard time relating. I view things from a skewed perspective, though I know there's beauty there, too. 

I guess I don't find myself that interesting. I know it helps if you're interesting. 

Here's to making myself interesting. I love stories, so bear with me as I do what Donald Miller did in his wonderful book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years  and rewrite my own.

Oh, and comment if you like. Blogging is so much more worthwhile when people read and respond. I sometimes don't want to write if I don't have an audience.  I know that's lame of me to admit, but we all want at least one person on the sidelines cheering us on. 

For now, I'll have to read up on how the successful bloggers out there gain their followers. Surely it's not by writing boring posts on how to improve your monotonous life. ;) 

Thankfully, we will be putting a break in the routine when we go to Jamaica on Friday! Excitement. ;) 

1 comment:

  1. you know i'm going to keep asking you about the marathon...there's one in the boro in the fall...just sayin :)
