Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Today marked my epic return to the YMCA. To my chagrin, there was no fanfare as I walked in the door and handed my card over to the person at the desk to be scanned. I'm always wary when I go to the gym after a long absence. Can they see how long I've had this membership in their computer? Do they know it's been a good six months since the last time I strolled through the door, and that it was probably a good eight or so months the time before that? I make myself sick when I think of how long I've had this membership (since December 11, 2007) and how many times I've taken advantage of it. Altogether, I don't think I've actually amassed two months of activity. I guess I can chalk it up to the cost being 70% of regular membership fees, but nonetheless, I've really wasted it. Brandon threatened to take it away last night if I didn't start going. That was only after I screamed about our netflix membership for a good twenty minutes. (We have had the same movies sitting on our dresser for a month, so we've wasted a month of the membership, pretty much. With redbox being so accessible, we sometimes forget about netflix and see our new movies that way.) Brandon and I shook on it. He would make sure the netflix made the mailbox because he's home all day, and I would get my butt in gear at the gym and make our money worth it. 

Anyhow, that's when conviction set in. I vowed I would go, at least, three times a week. I want to lose the weight, so why the heck not? 

I managed to do 45 minutes on the elliptical today, set at level 9. According to the screen, I did about 6 miles and burned 600ish calories. While I think that's a gross exaggeration of the calories I actually burned, I'm satisfied with my efforts. I had a good playlist and find that I RUN when I'm listening to U2 and do a moderate stroll when I'm listening to Coldplay. Bringing Sexy Back and It's Raining Men nearly brought the machine down, and the lady next to me probably thought I had lost my mind when I started doing some pretty impressive sprints. Ha. :) Just kidding. 

Anyhow, I drove away with my air conditioning blasted and was feeling so hardcore and in shape until I saw the YMCA boot camp outside in the roasting May heat that feels like roasting July heat. They were doing some ungodly type of crunches. That's when I started to feel like a moron living in the midst of a fallacy. 

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