Thursday, May 27, 2010

Can't help loving dat man of mine...

So, my sweet guy is sick today! Flu-like, sick. Monosyllabic sick. It's so sad. 

In tribute, I am going to post some of the many reasons why I love him. 
1) He's gorgeous and doesn't even know it. Like, wowza. That's MY hunk of burning love. Back off, haters!
2) He has the most incredible heart and loves Jesus and actively tries to pursue him. 
3) He giggles like a girl when something gets him going. Believe me, it doesn't take much, and then he's on a roll.  And then we're both giggling girls. 
4) He is going to be the best dad because he's a pushover, but it's okay. It's fun to watch. 
5) He is suck a dork, and we have fun being dorks together. 
6) He's generous with his time, heart, money...
7) His voice is like that of one of the gods. Deep, confident, baritone. . . 
8) "You know" is his "um" when he talks. It's his filler word. 
9) He's going to be the reason why my future babies have curls. 
10) He understands Pride and Prejudice. He read it for me and LIKED it. 
11) In the same vein, he's going to the Jane Austen festival with me. 
12) He spoils me. Seriously, great provider. 
13) He changes the cat litter. 
14) He hasn't gotten tired of me after six years. 
15) He does all the lawn work and never complains. 

More to come next time...



  1. I somehow found this through Trina's blog. I'm so jealous of your custom layout. Unfortunately no one will do them for wordpress without charging like $300. Oh well.

    I hope you don't think I'm a stalker now... heh

  2. Not at all, the more the merrier. :)

    And yeah, this definitely would not have happened for $300. No way, no how.
